Zo Enterprises

Drivers Handbook

14397 E Geronimo Rd, Scottsdale, AZ 85259

Company: Zo. Enterprises LLC


Drivers Handbook Safety Manual And Policies




  1. General Policy and Procedures            2-5
  2. Hours of Service Policy                          6-9
  3. Cell Phone & Fire Arms Policy               10
  4. Fleet Safety Maintenance Policy            11





Company driver or independent contractor:

You must meet the following guidelines to work as a contractor or a driver for Zo Enterprises LLC

  1. Must have two years driving experience in the United States.
  2. No current license suspension or revocation
  3. Must meet all FMCSA guidelines.
  4. Must have a valid Commercial Driver License with proper class and endorsements. Work Permit is not acceptable.
  5. No major violations within the last 3 years (which include but not limited to):

a. Driving while intoxicated or under the influence of intoxicating liquor or any drug
b. Disregarding or evading a police officer
c. Driving with suspended license
d. Driving on the wrong side of the road
e. Failure to comply with implied consent law
f. Felony involving a motor vehicle
g. Hit and run or leaving the scene of an accident
h. Homicide or vehicular assault
i. Illegal passing
j. Manslaughter with or without gross negligence
k. Possession of a controlled substance
l. Reckless driving, drag racing or speed contest
m. Speeding over 20 miles over the posted speed limit

No more than four (4) minor violations in the past 36 months and no more than 2 minor violations in the previous 12 months. No more than 2 at fault accidents in the last 36 months


Pre Employment Requirements:

All offers of employment are conditional until the following have been completed and approved.

  • Completed application with 10 years employment with no gaps in history.
  • 3 year driver abstract provided (driver to provide)

o     Signed request for annual MVR review (certification of violations)

  • Pre-employment drug test.
  • Background check of past employers including verification of driver's previous participation in a drug and random test program.
  • Copy of company driver or independent contractor driver or independent contractor driver/independent contractor license.



Turning in paperwork:

  1. All paperwork is required to be turned in before compensation is made for a trip.
  2. All logs, roadside inspections, and citations are turned into the Safety Department. All other paperwork turned into the front desk in a trip envelope with the load numbers and your name on the front of the envelope.
  3. Drivers must submit copies of all roadside inspections to Safety Department with 24 hours via ELD device, fax, email, or personally. Drivers must immediately notify Safety Department of any roadside Out-of-Service Order at:      


Check in call to report location if ELD is broken:

  • Every company driver or independent contractor driver UNABLE TO USE AN ELD is required to call in every morning /Monday-Friday) before 8:00 am to report their location and also second time before 3:00 pm.
    • Contact  and provide your name, truck number, and your location.

Driver has to always notify dispatcher if they are running late.


Pickup procedures:

  • In most cases driver needs to pre-cool reefer before pick up. Check reefer during Pre-Trip.Trailer must be clean.Count cases and pallets and mark freight bill.
  • Check for any damage to load and report any damage to dispatch immediately.
  • Check for pulp temperature while (or before) loading. Report if anything is unusual.
  • Set up the right temperature of a reefer unit if required.
  • Make sure the load is secure in place.
  • If any confusion on anything please clarify before you leave the shipper.
  • If anything is different such as delivery location or case count, CALL DISPATCH immediately.
  • Once loaded, please CONTACT DISPATCH if there is a lot of room in the trailer.
  • Follow the instructions given on the pick-up sheet or give to you by your dispatcher.
  • Fill out blank BOL ifload without paperwork. Blank ones are in a truck or you can get them in the office.
Driver is responsible for all unreported damage or missing shipments or if damage occurs due to driver negligence. Once bills are signed the driver is responsible!

Unloading procedures:

  • Check product temperature before delivering.
  • Count cases and pallets unlading.
  • Check for damages or skids.
  • Make sure the original (not a copy) of the bill of lading is signed with ink pen in a proper place.
  • Please CALL DISPATCHER if anything is noted on the bill of lading before you leave.
  • Lumpers must be approved & reported at the time of delivery.
  • Get COSTCO sticker for every single PO#
  • Trailer must be pad-locked upon delivery
  • Trailer axles must be backed, breaks applied, wheels chocked.


  • For any lost keys while they are in your possession there will be a $150.00 charge to get a new set made.
  • If you take home the truck without proper permission there will be a $100 charge per day until returned
  • In addition for every mile driven without the proper permission there will be a per mile fee deducted you're your settlement.



Dressing for Safety

1) Company driver or independent contractor driver or independent contractor driver/independent
contractor should wear appropriate attire for the job:
a.Shoes that protect the feet such as boots
b. Long pants
c. Safety vests (if required by customer site)
d. Gloves during fueling to protect hands

Accident Policy

1) Zo Enterprises LLC has a goal of an accident free company. Our safety
department regularly conducts training for company driver or independent contractor with the use of
online videos, DVD's, and other training materials as needed.
2) When safety violations occur due to obvious disregard to our safety policy we reserve the right to suspend or
terminate the driver.
3) All COL company drivers and owner operators and their drivers are subject to random drug testing.
4) Random drug test will not stop driver's regular duty unless the results are positive for drug or alcohol use.
If positive Company will assist the driver in finding a substance abuse program. After the substance abuse
program information is given to driver he/she will be terminated as Company is zero tolerance company for
Positive Drug or Alcohol test.

Accident Procedures
1) Call 911
2) Give aid those involved, if needed.
3) Secure the scene with triangle and/or flares
4) Call dispatch and Safety Office.
5) Take pictures of everything and send to Safety Office.
6) Get the name(s) and insurance company driver or independent contractor(s) of those involved.
7) Do not talk about the accident with anybody.
8) Do not admit fault.
9) All company driver or independent contractor driver/independent contractor involved in an accident will be
tested in accordance with FMCSR 382.303

Drivers who are in an accident will be required to come to the corporate office and meet with the Manager. The driver will be required to complete an accident report and receive training if needed. Drivers with multiple accidents may be terminated.

Tickets, citations, and inspections
In accordance with FMCSR 383.31, all tickets, citations, warnings, and inspections are to be turned in to the safety department. Failure to inform the safety department of a ticket, citation or warning may result in termination. ••see road side inspection incentive program page.**

Following Distance
All company driver or independent contractor driver/independent contractor are required to maintain a 6 second distance from the vehicle in front of them.

All company driver or independent contractor driver/independent contractors are to use common sense when driving in adverse driving conditions. Our company driver or independent contractor policy is for all company driver or independent contractor driver/independent contractor to drive the posted truck speed limit, or S miles under the posted car speed limit during normal driving conditions.


1) When it is necessary to drop your trailers, make sure you are in a secure and safe location.
2) Make sure proper support is placed under the landing gear.
3) Use Locks to secure the trailer.


All owner operators and/or their drivers are participating in Inspection Incentive Program. In accordance with that Program there is a reward and penalty for inspection conducted by DOT Inspector. In case of any violation found during DOT Inspection of any level there is $100 charge. For Inspection with "out-of-service" order - $300 charge. If no violation found
during DOT Inspection owner operator receives $ t 50 for Level t Inspection; $ t 00 for Level 2 and $50 for Level 3.

Roadside Inspection Incentive Program


Zo Enterprises LLC



Non-OOS violations - every citation charge



OOS violations - every citation charge



Level I - no violations discovered



Level II-  no violations discovered



Level lll - no violations discovered



Quarterly Bonus Program - at least 60 days of employment


Absence of any accidents or incidents, PLUS


Absence of any claims, PLUS


Absence of tickets and citations, PLUS


Absence of any company disciplinary actions toward driver, owner operator or its driver, PLUS


Absence of any "DOT Inspection Violations" or Level I, TT, TTI inspections with no violations




Driver should submit all his paperwork (bill ofladings, receipts, trip reports, log books, inspection, etc.) before quitting. Driver also should turn in his TCH card. If owner operator quits, he/she should do the same and also take off the company sign from the truck on the same day of such decision. It is prohibited to drive truck with company sign while owner operator is no longer with company. Company may delay driver/owner operator last paycheck if all said above is not done before quitting.

Driver and/or owner operator receives his/her last paycheck not earlier than two weeks after the date of last trip finished (driver finished operational part and paperwork is done).

Driver must notify company about quitting not later than two weeks in writing to driver manager, otherwise company will pay driver for his last two trips or two weeks only. If you quit without giving 14 calendar days written notice, you will be paid 50% of the agreed contracted rate for your final settlement.

Owner operator must notify company about his tennination in written no later than thirty days (30 days) prior to the date of intended termination; otherwise company will withhold his pay for the last 30 days.

Ifvou abandon truck or trailer during your departure, vou will be charged for the cost of any hard fee's, including flight and any extra fee's to recover the unit



Passengers are not allowed in a truck while operating on the road. No pets as well in company's truck


In a case of any damage of company equipment and/or claim arising due to the driver negligence driver will be subject of disciplinary actions and/or termination. Terms and conditions are subject to change.

Zo Enterprises LLC is committed to operating in a safe and legal manner at all times. The submission of accurate, true, neat and legible daily logs is an integral part of this commitment.

Zo Enterprises LLC has established a zero tolerance standard for log violations. TI1e company will audit driver's logs to ensure compliance with the FMCSR part 395. Continual noncompliance with hours of service regulations will not be tolerated at Zo Enterprises LLC


Trips to Canada Log Books


  • Log books need to show odometer reading (start and finish)
  • Cycle 1 or 2 selected. (Cycle one has 70 hours in 7 days, cycle 2 has 120 hours in 14 days)
  • Vehicle inspection filled out at the beginning of the day and signed at the end of day


Log Auditing Procedures

Zo Enterprises LLC Log-auditing procedures consist of four steps:

  1. A11 drivers are expected to submit accurate, true, neat and legible logs daily.
  2. Daily logs and selected supporting documents may be forwarded to an outside auditor for audit and review.
  3. Drivers will be given feedback and corrective disciplinary action may be initiated based on results of log audits.
  4. Recognition will be given to drivers who submit zero defect logs.

Log Submission

Zo Enteprises LLC requires all drivers to submit logs within 13 days from date on log. Before submission of logs, drivers are expected to check them for completeness, accuracy and legibility. Only the driver can make any corrections to the daily log before submission.


ELDs <Electronic Logging Devices)

ELDs must be completed with the same accuracy as paper logs before signing. IF driving with a co-driver, driver must sign into ELD before that driver starts each trip and log out after each work/driving day before the co-driver begins. Logs derived from ELDs will be downloaded, filed, and audited by the Safety Department. Paper logs must be available in the event of a malfuntioning ELD.


Malfunctioning ELDs (Electronic Logging Devices)

  1. In the occurance of a malfunctioning ELD, the Safety Department must be informed immediately.
  2. Paper logs must be used until the ELD is repaired or replaced.
  3. Driver must bring malfunctioning ELD to home terminal and have it repaired or exchanged immediately.



After submission by drivers, logs will be audited for:

  1. Form and Manner violations.
  2. Hours of Service violations.
  3. False logs.
  4. Grid and Recap violations.
  5. Accuracy of fuel times and location.

Zo Enterprises LLC will retain all drivers' logs for six months (FMCSR, Sec.395.8 (k)).

Form and Manner Violations:


Form and manner violations indicate carelessness on the driver's part. This kind of violation can easily be avoided by following Zo Enterprises LLC Log submission procedure of checking each log for completion before submission.


Log Missing:

Drivers shall submit an accurate log for each day, except that two or more consecutive off duty days may be on one sheet.

Date Missing/Duplicate Logs:

Each log must be dated and there must be only one log for each day.

Miles Driven Missing:

Total actual miles driven in the 24-hour period must be entered.

Vehicle/frailer Numbers Missing:

Unit numbers of all vehicles operated in the 24-hour period must be entered.

Name of Carrier Missing/In Error:

Zo Enterprises LLC

Driver's Signature Missing/In Error:

The driver must sign full name each daily log sheet.

Co-Driver Name Missing:

If operating as a team, each driver's name must appear on each log sheet.

Main Office Address:

Enter the entire city name, state abbreviation and zip code.

Shipping Document Missing or in Error:

The driver must show a shipping document number or name of shipper and commodity for each 24-hour period.

Pre and Post Trip Inspections / Duty Status:

Drivers sha11 identify 1ocation when a pre & post trip inspection / change in duty status occur.

Different Log for Same Day:

Each log graph can only carry one set of information.


The name of the city town, village with state abbreviation with each change of duty status occurs shall be recorded. If change of duty status occurs at a location other than a city. town, or village will show one of the following:

  1. Highway# and nearest milepost followed by the name of the nearest city, town, or village and State abbreviation
  2. Highway# and the name of the service plaza followed by the name of the nearest city, town, or village and State abbreviation
  3. The highway numbers of the nearest two intersecting roadways followed by the name of the nearest city, town, or village and State abbreviation.


Hours of Service Violations

Specifically violations of the 11, 14, and 70-hour rules are more serious than Form and Manner violations. Hours of seivice abuse can cause fatigue, which jeopardizes the safety of the driver and the general motoring public. Hours of Service, Grid and Recap Violations include:

Hours Missing/In Error:

Drivers must record total hours used at the end of each line of the graph. The hours added together must equal 24.

11-Hour Violation;

After ten (10) consecutive hours of off duty, a driver may not drive more than eleven (11) hours.

Over Maximum Average Speed:

Drivers must not average over the company or posted speed limit (55 for OR. / 60 for WA. In addition, whatever the posted speed is for trucks in other states traveled.)

Change in Duty Status Missing/ Remarks Error:

Enter the entire city name and the state abbreviation for each duty status change.

Stop / Start Location not the same:

The starting location on a log must he the same as the ending location on the previous log.

  • Bour Violation:

A driver must not drive after 14 consecutive hours after reporting for duty. 14 hours clock includes all driving time, on duty time, off-duty time and any sleeper berth time that less than 8 hours.

Violation of 70-Hour Rule:

Drivers may not drive, work, or fuel after being on duty for 70 hours in any 8-day period. The 70-hour clock resets after 34 consecutive hours off duty.

Graph Incomplete / In Error:

A driver must account for all time on the graph. Drivers must show a complete continuous line for each 24-hour period.

No driving if more than 8 hours since last break of 30 or more minutes.

A driver may drive only if 8 hours or less have passed since the end of the driver's last off-duty period of at least 30 minutes. In other words, this rule requires that if more than 8 consecutive hours on duty have passed since the last off-duty (or sleeper-berth) period of at least half an hour, a driver must take an off-duty or sleeper berth break of at least 30 minutes before driving.

Log Falsification

Falsification of a log shows complete disregard of Federal Regulations and Zo Enterprises LLC

Policy. The company looks at this type of violation very seriously. Log falsification occurs when the times and locations on a log do not agree with the supporting documentation such as: scale tickets, delivery receipts, fuel receipts, report ofTCH cards transactions and loading / unloading times as noted on dispatch log.

Feedback and Corrective Action

All violations will be brought to the driver's attention as soon as possible. Supervisors or the designate will be responsible to review the violation(s) with the driver. This review will consist of an explanation of any violations and how to prevent reoccurrence.

The driver can request, or the driver's supervisor can recommend, hours of seivice and logging remedial training at any time. Drivers in need of additional hours of service of logging training will be referred to the supervisor for scheduling.

Drivers with repeated or excessive log violations will be subject to the following corrective action schedule. However, Zo Enterprises LLC reserves the right to impose more stringent consequences based on circumstances and the severity of violations. Situations will be judged on a case-by-case basis before the phased corrective action described below is initiated.


Phase 1:

A verbal warning will be issued to driver's who incur:

a. 5 or more Form and Manner violations in a given month.
b. 3 or more Hours of Service in a given month.
c. 2 or more Log Falsification in a given month.
d. Any combination of violations totaling 7 or more in a given month.
e. 3 or more missing logs in a given month.

Drivers in Phase 1 status will be placed on probation for 60 day's. The driver will be taken off Phase 1 status after the probationary period has expired if the unacceptable logging behavior has been corrected.

Driver's who continue to submit logs with excessive violations will be placed in Phase 2 of corrective action program.

Zo Enterprises LLC

All verbal warnings must be fully documented and a record placed in the driver's file. All verbal warning entries must include the date and time issued and signature of the driver's supervisor.

Phase 2:

Drivers placed in Phase 2 status are demonstrating a continuing pattern oflogging behavior contrary to Federal regulations and Zo Entemrises LLC policy.

A Written Warning will be issued to drivers who incur:

a. 5 or more Form and Manner violations while in Phase 1 probationary status.
b. 3 or more Hours of Service violations while in Phase 1 probationary status.
c. 2 or more Log Falsifications while in Phase 1 probationary status.
d. Any combination of violations totaling 7 or more while in Phase 1 probationary status.
e. 3 or more missing logs in Phase 1 probationary status.

All Written Warning's must include the date and time issued and the signature of the driver and supervisor. Drivers in Phase 2 status will be placed on probation for a 90-day period.

Drivers in Phase 2 shall be scheduled for mandatory remedial hours of service and logging training. A copy of the Written Warning and record of remedial training must be placed in the driver's file.

Drivers who continue to submit logs with excessive violations will be placed in Phase 3.

Phase 3:

Phase 3 is the final stage of corrective action program for Zo Enterprises LLC

Drivers who reach this stage are demonstrating inability or unwillingness to conform to the company's Log Auditing Policy and Federal regulations.

Drivers in Phase 3 face disciplinary action including suspension and possible termination.

A Final Written Warning will be issued to drivers who incur:

a. 5 or more Form and Manner violations while in Phase 2 probationary status
b. 3 or more Hours of Service violations while in Phase 2 probationary statuses.
c. 2 or more Log Falsifications while in Phase 2 probationary statuses.
d. Any combination of violations totaling 7 or more while in Phase 2 probationary statuses.
e. 3 or more Missing logs while in Phase 2 probationary statuses.

A copy of the Final Written Warning will be placed in the driver's file. All Final Written Warning entries must include the date and time issued and the signature of the driver and supervisor.

All drivers that incur additional violation within the 90 days on Phase 3 can be terminated at the discretion of management of Zo Enterprises LLC


Drivers who demonstrate the ability to consistently submit accurate, true, neat and legible logs will be recognized for their superior efforts.




Distractions significantly affect the focus necessary for safely operating a Commercial Motor Vehicle (CMV). CMV drivers must ensure that they are focused on safely operating their vehicles, maintaining unhindered concentration to their driving task.

Effective January 3, 2012 the DOT had implemented a ban on all cell phone use in commercial motor vehicles. This includes texting. dialing, and hand held use at any time while driving a CMV. Per the new regulation, truck drivers can be fined $2,750 for cell phone offenses and can have their CDL suspended. Trucking companies can be fined $11,000 per offense for drivers that disregard the new regulation.

Zo Enterprises LLC considers cell phone use appropriate only in conjunction with a hands-free device.

Texting while operating a CMV is highly dangerous and does not represent the safe driving habits we require of our drivers. Therefore, texting which includes phone texting, PDA use, satellite communications and any other existing text communication device is prohibited.

This cell phone policy applies to all company drivers as well as independent contractors. Violation of this policy may result in termination of company drivers and termination of contract for independent contractors.

Fire Arms Policy

Zo Enterprises LLC prohibits fire arms/ weapons on company property, including equipment and personal vehicles.




The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSR) mandate systematic inspections, repair and maintenance of all vehicles subject to a motor carrier's control. The regulations do not provide an outline for an overall inspection and maintenance program, but rather leave the contents of the program entirely up to the carrier, thus allowing carriers to design their programs to suit their particular operations. However, the regulations do place specific responsibilities on both the driver and the motor carrier to assure that vehicles operated on the highways are in safe operating condition.


Owner's operators and drivers are required to conduct Post Trip Inspection on a daily basis, fill out DVIR and turn in to office. Company drivers are required to fill out After Trip Reports after their trip or/and once a week or/and when they decide it is needed as additional. They need to turn in that reports to Shop.

All company drivers are required to report all damages on equipment that occurs when they driving.



Authorized state and federal DOT officials perfonn inspections of motor vehicles on the highways, and in certain instances, at terminals. Motor vehicles likely to cause an accident or breakdown will be placed out of service. Vehicles declared out of service must not be operated, and "Out of Service" vehicle sticker shall not be removed, until all repairs have been satisfactorily completed.

Most States and Provinces use the North America Uniform Out-of-Service Criteria, which was developed by the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance. It identifies critical vehicle inspection items and provides criteria for placing a vehicle in an out-of-service

condition. No motor carrier shall require or permit any person to operate nor shall any person operate any motor vehicle declared and marked "out of service" until all repairs required by the "out of service notice" have been satisfactorily completed.

When a driver receives an inspection report (MCS-63) at a roadside inspection, he/she shall deliver it to the motor carrier upon arrival at the next terminal or facility. Driver will also send inspection reports via ELD if applicable. If the driver is not scheduled to arrive at a terminal or facility within 24 hours, he/she shall immediately mail the report to the carrier. Motor carriers shall correct all defects noted A motor carrier's official is to certify on the form that violations have been corrected and mail the completed form to the address shown. This must be done within IS days following the date of the inspection. The motor carrier must retain a copy of the completed form at its principal place of business, or where the vehicle is housed, for 12 months.



You are responsible for the care and keeping the equipment in good order when it is in your care. If you have problems with the equipment please contact the shop immediately. Driver is responsible to submit Pre-Trip/Post-Trip Inspection Report to shop, where he/she needs to note all defects and deficiency in the motor vehicle as would be likely to affect the safety of its operation or result in its mechanical breakdown.

  • All equipment should be kept in a clean
  • Check that all lights are working properly
  • Check the condition of the brakes for the right pressure, brake pads for the excessive wear, and air lines
  • Check condition of tires for air leaks and air pressure



  1. All tractors are to be serviced between 10,000 and 15,000 miles
  2. All trailers are to be serviced with the tractors
  3. Service will include:

a. Oil and Filter change
b. Check coolant, add if needed
c. Grease all fittings
d. Check brake, air can's, slack adjusters, S cams
e. Check rear end fluid
f. Make sure all lights are working
g. Check fire extinguisher, first aid kit and reflective triangles / flares make sure

4. Drivers are responsible for informing their dispatcher of any equipment problems
5. All equipment is to be kept reasonably clean and free of debris
6. Monthly maintenance reports are to be turned in no later than the 5th of the month for previous month.


Although the primary requirements for inspections are in part 396, the first such driver requirement is in section 392.7 which charges the driver to "satisfy himself' that basic parts and accessories are "in good working condition" prior to driving such vehicle.

Although not required to be in writing, this pre-driving determination shall include the following parts and accessories:

  1. Service brakes, including trailer brake connections
  2. Parking (hand) brakes
  3. Steering mechanism
  4. Lighting devices and reflectors
  5. Tires
  6. Horn
  7. Windshield wiper or wipers
  8. Rear-vision mirror or mirrors
  9. Coupling devices

Section 392.8 requires a driver to "satisfy himself' that the required emergency equipment (Section 393.95) is in place and ready for use. This includes:

    1. Fire extinguishers
    2. Spare fuses
    3. Warning devices
    4. Triangles

The final pre-driving requirement is in Section 396.13, requiring a driver to review the last vehicle inspection report (Section 396.11) and sign it when defects or deficiency were reported.


The inspection requirements of part 396 include a written vehicle inspection report (Section 396.11) to be prepared and signed by

the driver at the completion of each day's work on each vehicle operated. The report must cover at least the following parts and accessories:

  1. Service brake including trailer brake connections
  2. Parking (hand) brake
  3. Steering mechanism
  4. Lighting devises and reflectors
  5. Tires
  6. Horn
  7. Windshield Wipers
  8. Rear vision mirrors
  9. Coupling devices
  10. Wheels and rims
  11. Emergency Equipment

Hoth Pre-Trip and Post Trip must be logged "On Duty" at the minmum ot 15 minutes log time.

No specific format is required; however, provisions must be made for three signatures: the driver signature preparing the report. The motor carrier's, mechanic's etc. signature certifying the reported defects or deficiencies have been corrected or that no correction is necessary; and finally, on reports listing defects or deficiencies, the reviewing driver's signature acknowledging the corrective action taken by the carrier.

Carriers commonly use two types of driver vehicle inspection reports. An example of each type follows.

Since there is no specific form required, the format used is at the carrier's option. However, driver vehicle inspection reports can be a very important part of the carrier's overall inspection, repair and maintenance program, since the driver is in an excellent position to "spot" little problems before they become major. Therefore, don't just comply, give serious consideration t the part you want the driver reports to play in the overall program and utilize a format most suited to your operation.


SEMI-ANNUAL VEHICLE INSPECTION (Independent contractors)

The Federal DOT has amended part 396 to require that commercial motor vehicles operate in interstate or foreign commerce pass an inspection at least annually.


Zo Enterprises LLC requires semiannual inspection for all company and independent contractor trucks.

The requirements may be met through periodic inspection programs administered by the state, a roadside inspection (level 1 inspection where CVSA sticker is issued will qualify), an inspection performed by a commercial business, so long as the inspection complies with Federal standards or compatible state standards.


One of the two yearly inspections must be conducted by Home Terminal's shop. The one inspection per year done by

Zo Enterprises LLC will be free of charge. The second required inspection will be at cost to the independent contractor and can be conducted by any of the inspection programs listed in the above paragraph.


The annual inspection requirement can be met in one of the following ways:

  1. A vehicle will meet the Federal requirements if inspected by state inspectors in Alabama, California, Hawaii, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Utah,

Vermont, Virginia, Wisconsin, and the District of Columbia, in which the inspection is mandatory. Of the above states, Alabama, California, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, New Yorlc, and Wisconsin have inspection programs that do not cover all commercial motor vehicles. There are three other states - Arkansas, Illinois, and Oklahoma - where the inspection is not mandatory but where

the inspection will satisfy Federal requirements. The Federal Highway Administration has also determined that all of the Canadian Provinces and the Yukon Territory have periodic inspection programs that are as effective as the Federal requirements. Refer to the INTERPRETATIONS tab, beginning on page 22-A, for the Federal DOT notices concerning state inspection programs.

2. If a vehicle has passed a Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance roadside inspection and has been issued an inspection decal it need not be re-inspected to meet Federal requirements.

3. Finally, if neither of the above applies, a carrier may engage an inspector but is responsible for the qualification of the inspector, whether the inspector works directly for the carrier or a third party, such as a truck stop, repair shop, or an inspection business. The inspector qualification requirements can be found in Section 396.19.


The qualified inspector performing an inspection must prepare a report, which identifies:

  1. the individual performing the inspection,
  2. the motor carrier operating the vehicle,
  3. the date of the inspection,
  4. the vehicle inspected, and
  5. the components inspected.

    A statement certifying that the inspection is complete and the copy of the inspection must be included. The inspection report must be retained where the vehicle is kept or maintained, for 14 months. A copy of the inspection report or a decal containing minimal information (see Section 396.17 (c) (2) must be on the vehicle.

Per FMCSA regulation 396.3 every motor carrier provider must systematically inspect, repair, and maintain, or cause to be systematically inspected, repaired, and maintained, all motor vehicles and equipment subject to its control. These records, Motor Carriers must maintain, or cause to be maintained, records for each motor vehicle they control for 30 consecutive days.


These records must include:

    1. An identification of the vehicle including company number, ifso marked, make, serial number, year, and tire size. In addition, if the motor vehicle is not owned by the motor carrier, the record shall identify the name of the person furnishing the vehicle;
    2. A means to indicate the nature and due date of the various inspection and maintenance operations to be performed;
    3. A record of inspection, repairs, and maintenance indicating their date and nature; and
    4. A record of tests conducted on push out windows, emergency doors, and emergency door marking lights on buses.
    5. Record retention. The records required by this section shall be retained where the vehicle is either housed or maintained for a period of l year and for 6 months after the motor vehicle leaves the motor carrier's control.


Zo Enterprises LLC , according the above listed regulation of 396.3, requires that independent contractors are to provide Monthly Vehicle Maintenance and Repair Summary by the 5th of every month for the previous month. Drivers who do not follow this procedure may have their contract terminated or suspended.

Enterprises LLC Company drivers will have their vehicle maintained by maintenance staff and the records will be kept on ftle. If repairs or maintenance is conducted on a Company truck outside of our shop, the receipts and information will be provided to the shop manager and he wi11 update the vehicle maintenance records.



  1. PRIOR to leaving the warehouse, check your load out sheet and ensure you have BOL's for each drop/PO on the sheet. Also check ALL NOTES sections on the manifest for special instructions.

  2. PRIOR to leaving the warehouse, CHECK your appointments and if there are ANY doubts that you will make the scheduled appts ON TIME, immediately get with your dispatcher or anyone in dispatch. Make sure you write down who you spoke with.

  3. PRIOR to leaving the warehouse, check your manifest and ensure your reefer is set to the correct temp for your load parameters. W you do not understand how to run a multi-temp load, GET WITH THE WAREHOUSE CREW and they will give you instructions. **If this happens on a Saturday, you MUST call someone in dispatch for instructions.

  4. In transit, if you are running late to an appt or you are HELD UP at a receiver, you MUST call dispatch to advise PRIOR to missing any appointments. You MUST actually speak with a person and get their name.

  5. If you have UNFI delivery locations on your sheet and you are held for MORE THAN 2 HOURS, you MUST ask for a DETENTION FORM from the lumper service PRIOR to getting your paperwork. If the lumper service refuses to give you a DETENTION FORM, you MUST ASK FOR UNFI MANAGEMENT and obtain the fonn from them. Failure to do so may result in non-payment of wait time.



Zo Enterprises LLC

4681 N. 84th Way, Scottsdale, AZ 85251



I acknowledge that I have received and understand the above policies and procedures. I understand that by not complying with above policies and procedures may result in termination of my contract or employment.

January 25, 2025

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Document name: Drivers Handbook
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Timestamp Audit
May 30, 2022 10:34 am CETDrivers Handbook Uploaded by Damir Kadric - damir@oriormedia.com IP